As a blogger, we all want to create an excellent blog post so that we can attract more visitors and audience for our blog. We all wish to create such an impression that people get accustomed to our blogs, ain’t I right here? Every individual who wishes to start its blog keeps one thing in mind and that is to create an appealing content so that it’s attractive, useful and would be preferred by most of its visitors.
Ones our blog is boomed, we get so wrapped up about creating some new and exciting elements for our content that we usually forget that we would attract new visitors also and hence our blog should be exciting yet minimalistic at the same time.
Keep in mind that when it comes to writing a great blog post, your ultimate goal should showcase your message or idea easily, quickly and powerfully. Normally blog posts range from 250 to 5000 words or sometimes even more, but you should remember that regardless of the length of it, you should be able to persuade people, get their attention and hold it for your goodwill.
Blogging may not essentially give you your targeted results quickly like in cause of paid visual advertisements, but you can be assured that it’ll provide reaching, sustainable and motivated leads to reach your valued customers and stakeholders for your business. What’s perfect here is that blog posts prove to be one of the excellent details on a highly recommend social media platforms and gain credibility.
If one is ready to opt for blogging and use it as a medium to reach the globe, one must note the following tips to stand in the rapidly growing competition:
Table of Contents
A. Blog Maintenance :
1. Authenticate your blog post:
Authenticate your blog posts with Google Analytics or another such service provider to constantly being in touch for the activities happening on your blog, along with analyzing and controlling the traffic reaching your blog posts. Further, when in future you opt for advertisements or sponsorship, Google analytics would help you to provide stats, etc. of your blog posts just by a single click.
2. Get the right updated plugins for you and your visitors:
Remember having a set of functional and updated plugins for your blog posts would help to give compatibility of your posts in any visitors device. Even updated plugins would provide your blogs from the hackers who would try to reach your website.
B. Blog Strategy :
3. Write down ideas, all the time:
Michael Leboeuf rightly quoted that ” When you write down your ideas, you automatically focus your full attention on them. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. Thus a pencil and paper make excellent concentration tools.” And that fits perfectly for you to know how you should start with your blog’s content creation. If you’re stuck, you can get a blog management agency to help you build and execute a proper strategy.
4. Keep your visitor’s experience in mind
While creating your blog remember your motive is to create awareness and demand for your product and rest everything is secondary and hence as a blogger, you should create a content that would help you to attract visitors and that can be only attained when you have a thorough knowledge of your audience or visitors. Your blog is sort of a virtual introduction to a stranger, you need to make sure it is a good one to keep them coming back.
5. Develop easy to follow outline.
With the tremendous amount of growth in the market and demand and availability of everything essentials just at your fingertips, it is essential for you to develop and follow an easy outline to reach a wide amount of audience within seconds.
C. Content Creating :
6. Create a publishing schedule:
You don’t need to publish a new blog post every single day, especially if you are an individual blogger. You should follow a strict posting schedule say once every week, even keep the day and time the American to create a great impression to your visitors. Say you post your blog once every week on Friday or Saturday at 4 pm, stick to that schedule for at least till the time you attain quite a few subscribers. Try and follow the 80/20 rule, i.e. creating content for 20% of your time and promoting for 80% of your time.
7. Create an amazing headline:
Your blog posts headline or title actually is the most important part of your blog cause it gives the gist of your blog post in just a smile line or mere words. It should not be too fancy or too difficult to understand, stick for the language and words which your visitors understand better so that the headline gets a bit catchy meaning. Try and keep it minimalistic with a keyword or two relevant to your post. Your headline should be framed in such a manner that the visitor or your audience gets the idea of exactly where are they diving in by just reading it.
8. Create content for a focused topic:
Not every blogger needs to select the trending topics to create something, one can simply try and focus on certain topics that you’ll think would attract maximum audience. It actually narrows down the option for you to create your content on. While analyzing your topic you would surely be able to write about it up to the point.
9. Engage your readers:
‘How do I get more audience?’ is one of the biggest challenges the bloggers have. The easiest way to get through this is to ask opinions and interactive questions in your blog posts. Reply to ever comments you receive on your blog posts so that your reply will even double the number of comments on your blog posts and also seeing that you actually reply to their quest, the number of the audience reading your posts would be growing automatically.
10. Show your personality:
Try to be original and create your own pure original content instead of mimicking other well-renowned bloggers. Creating original content would give your creativity a new direction, you would be able to showcase your uniqueness. This would definitely take some time but the outcome would be too fruitful once attained.
If I missed any important actionable tips please add it in the comments section below.