CEPT University: An introduction
The CEPT University was established to manage human habitats. The University works towards understanding as well as designing courses which uplift the society on the whole. The University disseminates high-quality teaching programs which are built through sharing of knowledge from expert professionals. Research programs conducted by the CEPT_University help in understanding the society better. As per experts, the University earns a significant revenue through undertaking advisory projects.
Eligibility for CEPT Admission:
As per information available from different sources, to gain CEPT admission candidates must have passed HSC examination conducted by the State Board of Gujarat. One needs to have Physics and Mathematics in the higher secondary stage as compulsory subjects. Other additional subjects that one can opt for are Chemistry, Biology or Computer. Experts mention an important aspect that, to gain CEPT admission one needs to secure a minimum aggregate of 50% in all the subjects. This is applicable to the general category. A reduction of 5% in aggregate for scheduled caste or scheduled tribe candidates is allowed.
Where shall You Get Hold of CEPT Admission Forms?
Please note that in case you are looking towards taking admission in CEPT you need to get the CEPT admission forms. You can collect the admission form from the university office, or you can download the admission form directly from their website. Therefore, if you are looking at taking admission in CEPT during the financial year 2018 – 19, then CEPT admission forms 2018 – 19, need to be collected or downloaded, filled and submitted. With online form submission, you can fill the form online, submit all documents and send to the university. However, keep in mind, the details have to be filled correctly and legible at all times.
Step 1: Register on the Admission Portal of CEPT University
A student is required to register on the admission portal by directly clicking on the button. You need to enter details such as email id, the full name of the applicant etc. Once registration is over, the prospective applicant can move over to the next step.
Step 2: Fill CEPT Entrance Exam Application Form
If you intend to fill up the application form, you can log on to the admission portal by using your valid email id. In order to fill the form successfully, you need to fill up your personal details. This includes your name, sex, date of birth, nationality etc. At the same time, your academic performance in the past needs to be divulged. This includes the name of the institution from where you had passed, your percentage scored as well as the subjects that you have studied in the past. You might also be required to give your scanned photograph, along with your scanned signature.
Step 3: Pay CEPT Entrance Exam Application Fee.
This is the final step when you are required to pay your admission fees online. The admission fee is INR 500.
CEPT is a recognized name in the field of Indian higher education. Being a University of repute, CEPT is spread over a sprawling campus to accommodate students. Besides, quality education, students enjoy various amenities such as an enriched library, a cheap canteen along with common areas for getting themselves relaxed. Offering a fruitful career, degree awarded by CEPT is recognized nationally.