How to Make Corrections to Your Pan Card and How Long will It Take

Pan card is an important document in India that is used for different financial transactions and as ID proof. There are cases when PAN details are entered wrong at the time of PAN application or by the card issuing agency. No matter what the situation is, it is necessary to know the exact procedure to correct the incorrect information. This can be done both online and offline. When the PAN and Aadhar details do not match, you will definitely face problem in several activities. As it is now mandated to link Aadhaar with PAN and for this, details should match with each other.

For this, ensure that details like name, date of birth and other details are correct. In case of any correction, this can be done both through online and offline methods.

Online method:

In case of online, visit the NSDl website. Select the PAN correction option from the drop-down application type and fill the personal details. Once the details are submitted, a new page appears where a token number will be generated before you start filling the pan card correction form. This will also be communicated through an email. In this step, ensure to tick the ‘Submit scanned images through e-Sign’ and mention the PAN number that requires correction. Be careful while filling the details and fill all the important fields. In addition, an individual can also request for re-issuance of the card without any changes needed.

Fill the address details that will be updated in the Income Tax Department database and will be used for any communication in future. In the next step, select the document that you will upload as the proof of residence, age and identity. Once the application is submitted successfully, make the necessary payment of Rs. 110. For communication in India, the fee will be Rs. 120. Payment can be made through online or sending a demand draft in favour of NSDL-PAN payable at Mumbai. Once the payment is made, download the acknowledgement that will be displayed on the screen. When submitting the PAN change request, ensure that the acknowledgement is duly signed, affix a photograph and include a demand draft along with proof of address, identity and age and send the form to NSDL office.

Offline Method:

In the offline method, an individual has to submit pan card correction form at the nearest NSDL collection centre along with a letter with the jurisdictional Assessing Officer. The payment and other procedures will remain the same and can be made as specified above. You can download the form from the NSDL website, fill and submit to the concerned department.

In order to ensure the success of the PAN details correction, remember few points like-

  • Facilitate the duly signed acknowledgement form along with the documents to the NSDL within 15 days of submitting the online form.
  • This correction form can be used for different purposes like re-issuing PAN, making corrections and surrendering the additional PAN.
  • Check the corresponding filed to ensure you are well communicated with any delay.

About pretiroy91

Preeti Roy ia a passionate blogger and writer , she share information and guidance on topics to make your business at top notch in your marketing position

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