Certainly! Now it is high time to immerse into the detailed discussion of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and discover how video game addiction influences one’s psychological well-being.
A teenager diagnosed with Internet gaming disorder was let to retake the test. You now continue reading to be acquainted with the Internet gaming disorder that hinders the normal functioning of an individual.
One recent case reported by the Indian media brings to discussion the Internet Gaming Disorder that has been included in the ICD-11 by the WHO. Recently a 12th grade student obtained a shelter by the Bombay High Court improvement exam as the teen was observed suffering from a new age disorder known as IGD that primarily involves excessive gaming in the digital world. Video gaming may sometimes start as just a hobby and may then get into becoming an unrelenting need in the lives of several children. Thus, this change interferes with normal life, distracting individuals from developing relationships with one another.
Table of Contents
Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD): Exploring More
What Is IGD? IGD is a mental disorder that is brought about by excessive playing of video games. Ideally, gaming considerably impairs important aspects of life that last for an extensive duration specifically school, work, or relationships, which signals IGD1. IGD received formal recognition by WHO as a clinical diagnosis of mental health in the ICD-11 in 2018.
Symptoms of IGD: Now, it is necessary to define the following behaviors as related to IGD:
Lack of Control: IGD involves the inability to resist the urge to game or state control over the amount of time required to game.
Prioritizing Gaming: They have a primary focus on games with little or no regard to anything else.
Continued or Escalated Gaming: Despite adverse effects they may experience, there are still consequences of playing, for instance, in their personal, family, social, working, or school life they keep on playing.
Denial or Concealment: Some will hide it or the time they spend on it just like alcohol or any other addictive substance.
Using Games to Escape Emotions: Video games become negative emotions’ antidote.
Is Video Game Addiction Real? In the case of the new proposed gaming disorder, the discussion is mainly based on whether it normalizes or pathologizes usual behavior. Although critics have questioned the existence and availability of clarity as to a person’s IGD, those who find themselves driven to compulsively play video games, consider it real as any other addiction. It affects the daily activities, interactions with people and general quality of life. Just the thought of a virtual world swallowing the actuality: shatters dreams and fantasies, forget the jobs, forget chores, and even friends.
Psychosocial Effects of Excessive Gaming: Apart from impacting the brain, excessive gaming causes psychosocial effects to the individuals involved. Research done on video game addicts has revealed that they are likely to have lower quality mental health and cognition. The effects include low impulse control and higher prevalence of the ADHA symptoms than in the control groups.
Seeking Balance: Responsible Gaming Practices Even though gaming can be a very enjoyable pastime, moderate practices are the best ones. Here are some tips:
Set Limits: Gaming should be done in a particular time of the day or certain number of hours a day, and this should be followed to the later.
Prioritize Other Activities: Make sure to have things that wouldn’t get involved with games, do exercises and be interactive.
Monitor Emotional Well-being: However, if you realized that you are using games as a way of dealing with the negative feelings, then it is high time you seek help from a health professional.
Just a reminder that gaming is fun as a hobby, but there comes a time when one has to seek help when the game becomes a vice in day to day life.