Why there is a Gap between Primary and Secondary Education in India?

Student in Exam Hall

The education system in Indian schools is considered one of the largest and most multifaceted in the world. The standard of education in India is un-uniform from the system stems due to its assorted cultures. The biggest system, Primary education, offered by the schools usually consists of students aged between 5 to 12 years for 4-5 years study. Whereas, Secondary education covers 2-3 years of academic study of ages between 14-16 years. Around 24% of primary student comes to extend their higher studies! It is due to lacks effort both from the side of administration and common people. The reason may be anything, divest and inadequate education in secondary standard makes the education system under-developed!

Financial Aid

It is an eminent fact that secondary education requires a good amount of financial aid. Students in government primary schools had their studies in free of cost. Even the private schools are also charging fewer amounts to give admission to 4-6 years students. But when it comes to secondary school, a lot of deprived students let their studies go due to the high charges. To overcome this situation Brainybatch has started something sole to widen up some financial backing to the students from weaker economic backgrounds. Brainybatch Education Loan is something that offers you No Cost EMI, which is quite affordable for the parents to continue their kids’ study in secondary level.

Lack of Teachers

The legacy to grow and prosper education across the whole country, India need to be more focuses on the education system.  Due to the vast discrepancy between teachers in the primary and secondary education sector, students often let go their studies whether they want to continue with their higher studies or not. The courses get tougher which requires more efficient teachers for the secondary education system. But due to the lack of qualified and skilled teachers, students often get improper knowledge of higher education.

Child Workers

Child labor is a big communal matter in our country which everyone must be aware of.  After independence, India has worked very hard to provide education to almost its young people. But regardless of prohibit of child-laborers, to get economically support, the parents forcefully send their children to work in various labor sectors. The reason behind getting dropped out of secondary studies, this plays a major role. Children are being taught to prioritize family and work before studies! This interferes with the proper growth and development of the children. In all aspects, it affects their studies too.

Lack of Schools

Proper higher studies should involve a school with important priorities. It has only just begun to focus on aspects of quality and seek to improve learning outcomes.  The misfortune state of secondary education is perceptible with scanty figures of schools offering secondary and higher secondary education! Consequently, more new school opening is a must to get realized to set secondary education to follow the correct path. A lot of education website for students are available now which is appreciable. Those are very helpful in pursuing higher studies. Students can tally schools on their own before opting for the course.

Drop out ratio

A large dropout ratio occurs in higher studies due to a number of reasons. This is due to minorities, marginalized communities and females are taken into account. They enroll themselves but within a shorter span, they get dropped out of schools.

To increase the percentage of students to continue studies of higher education, the Government has taken quite a few schemes. The opening of new institutions, scholarship, and subsidy on educational loans are a few steps to encourage the students to get a proper higher education. But until and unless the common people are not convinced, they will control their children to take up economic or marital roles. Efforts from both sides, government and private, would tend our society to escalate with a new era of proper education!

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